The subject of soul mates is an intriguing one for most of us. We are curious to know how we can meet our soul mate, if maybe we have already met our soul mate without even realizing it, or why the relationship with a soul mate, especially if it is of a romantic nature, can be difficult many times. Mostly, When we think of soulmates, we refer to the romantic level, believing our soul mate must be the person with who we can make a better and richer life happen. While ultimately this is true, there are almost always some stepping stones on our way, lessons we have to learn, and exactly here our
soul mate steps in.
Before going into detail regarding the soul mate as a life partner, it is important to realize that we have soul mates in all arrays of life. Soul mates are groups of souls that travel together throughout many life times. These groups of souls incarnate together again and again to help and support each other, and ultimately to teach and learn from another. You can have soul mates in all areas of your life: parents, friends, teachers, business associates.
Whenever you meet a member of your soul group, you will notice the feeling that it seems you have known this person for a longtime even if you just met. Your ambitions and general outlook on life will be the same. Many times you will share the same projects and strive for the same goals, however, there are challenges in these relationships too. After all, you came here to learn new lessons.
Then, we meet a soul mate who has been a partner in a previous lifetime. The moment the eyes of these people meet, it happens: Week knees, a strong heart beat, an inexplicable attraction. Welcome to someone with whom you have shared at least one previous lifetime in an intimate relationship. You both look different in this lifetime, of course, but the eyes are the mirror to the soul and when your eyes meet, you REMEMBER each other. Without consciously remembering, your soul knows it all: the joy AND the pain. It is all there instantaneously, at the very moment your eyes meet.
And there is also the desire to work it all out in this lifetime and be happy together. If you enter into an intimate relationship with a former intimate soul mate, it is very important to do so with an open and loving heart. These relationships can many times be very painful, because you already know each other so well, and you know exactly which buttons to push to get a certain reaction from your partner.
It is very important to see that whatever pain a soul mate causes you, it is done out of love. It is done to open your eyes to pain, and thereby finally overcome your pain and hurt emotions, and understand that your partner is merely reflecting back to you what is inside yourself. You have heard about the law of cause and effect (Karma). If someone willingly hurts you to teach you a lesson, they load Karma on themselves. Only a soul that loves you and wants the best for you would do something like that for you.
This should not be regarded as an excuse for somebody else to treat us badly (still, on the grounds of the same law, the way others respect or treat us is a reflection of our self-respect), it simply means that only someone who is an intimate soul mate of ours will agree to take upon themselves the task to hurt with the goal to ultimately purify us. No soul that does not belong to our soul-group would want to “dirty their hands” in this way.
In this regard, there is a certain hierarchy when it comes to soul groups and the lessons the various members of a soul group teach each other. We believe that all soul mate relationships are karmic. We all meet again for the purpose of clearing old debts and to learn from one another and grow. But there are different types of soul mates, according to the different types of lessons. For example, you may have intellectual soul mates with whom you have debates on mental issues. The intimate soul mate is the one that will be there for you to clear the emotional issues.
Soul mates, and all the more intimate soul mates, feel a deep love and respect for each other. Therefore, even if their relationship is difficult at times, it is of such a nature that they support and nurture each other in their ambitions, aspirations, and achievements on all levels – mental, physical and emotional. This does not mean that they agree 100% on everything, but simply that they respect and accept each other completely the way they are .
Basically, they do not feel the need to change their partner, and the emotional lessons emerging in such relationships are for the sake of purification of emotions only, and never for the sake of manipulation or control. Not necessarily do intimate soul mates stay together in this lifetime. Even if we do not consciously remember it, it happens many times that we agreed beforehand to meet again in this life time to work out certain issues that will then help us to lead a more fulfilling relationship with someone else, maybe even someone new who did not belong to our soul group prior to this lifetime, someone new with whom we can share new lessons and teachings.
Or, it could be that after several relationships we are about to meet another intimate soul mate, and all of a sudden we realize that one (or more) of our previous soul mates has already prepared us for this relationship, which is now much more harmonious than it would have been had we met this person 20 years ago, before learning our lessons with the help of our other soul mates. Wouldn’t we be grateful to these other soul mates?
Separations from intimate soul mates are usually extremely painful emotionally at the beginning, but after the necessary period of mourning is over, previously intimate soul mates in most cases stay real friends, helping and nurturing each other in true soul love.
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