Blessings and welcome again to our Circle!

My name is Anita-Naama Asman.

I am a spiritual teacher and healer from Israel and the founder of The Aumara Light & Healing Circle

I am walking the paths of mysticism and spiritual awareness since early childhood.

My fields of expertise include parapsychology, astrology, energy body work, spiritual counseling and spiritual energy healing.

I have studied spiritual healing and counseling for the past 25 years both in Israel and abroad, in various courses and workshops. Also, I hold a diploma as healer practitioner from the IPSB – International Professional School of Bodywork – San Diego, CA.

I believe, however, that the real insights of the energy and light work I am doing are conveyed to me directly from the higher planes through light-beings (my spirit guides).

Also during my healing sessions, both on-hand and absent, my spirit guides assist me. The energy I use is the omnipresent cosmic and divine energy that surrounds all of us. I am merely acting as a channel for that energy.

I was inspired to create the Circle by my late mother Anne-Marie Asman. Her name is the spiritual realm is  Aumara.  

My mother, an actress by profession, was on the spiritual path for the past 12 years of her life. She finally gave up acting to devote herself totally to spiritual teaching.

She passed to the spiritual realm in November 1996 on Big Island, Hawai’i. The story of her passing  holds beautiful insights of what happens when souls travel into the Light, both to the passing soul and to those who remain on the earthly plane.

The Aumara Light & Healing Circle was created in 1999, and offers healing for people and pets.